Guest Practitioner
Guest Practitioner
Troy Strother, M.Ed.
Mental Health Practitioner
Specialty population: Couples, Individuals, and Groups
Areas of Specialty: Behavioral Disorders, Behavior Modification Plans, Psychoeducational Interventions, Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Relational Therapy.
Mr. Strother is a graduate of The University of the District of Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. He also received his graduate degree in Counseling Psychology from Howard University in Washington, D.C. Mr. Strother specializes in relational therapy: couples counseling and marriage counseling is a priority in his practice; he believes in the power of creating alignment and space for meaningful relationships. In addition to serving several years with social and civic organizations; he has gained experienced working in academia, and within the public and private business sectors.
Mr. Strother currently serves as the founder and CEO of The Safe Station, LLC and consults with various organizations who have clients seeking wholeness expressed through authenticity and vulnerability. He diligently works with clients interested and invested in growing relationships from being successful to significantly satisfying and stable.
He loves reading and writing poetry.
Fun fact: He loves the game Connect Four.